This week has been exciting. The third and final debate may have been McCains most impassioned performance, but he also showed his temper and negativity. Obama was lackluster, but he remained calm, in control, and stable against McCainapos;s storm. Audiences ate this up. Apparently they want a leader who is stable in the face of foes.
As a result of McCainapos;s plummeting popularity, several new states are in play. Fivethirtyeight.com is predicting a whole new range of swing states. ND, AR, IN, WV, NC, MO, NV, OH, and FL are now the battlegrounds. Youapos;ll notice these are traditional GOP states, which is telling. NM, CO, VA, NH, and MN are leaning Obama. GA, MT, LA, NE1, SD, MS, and NE2 are all leaning McCain. "Leaning" means 5-10 points ahead in polls.
So Iapos;ve updated my swing states to watch.
And Iapos;ve decided to switch NC and MO in my predictions. McCain gains 4 electoral votes.
McCain: *GA SC *IN *AZ, South (*NC TX AL *LA MS TN KY OK *AR *WV), Midwest (KS *NE *ND SD), Mountain (UT ID *MT WY AK)
Obama: North East (MA CT ME *NH RI VT), East Coast (NY NJ MD DC DE), *MO *FL *VA *PA *OH MI *CO *NM *NV, Great Lakes (IL WI *MN IA), Pacific (CA OR WA HI)
MCCain: 189
Obama: 349
alissa tweaks, fast investment return.

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