Last Thursday night, I�broke my virgin to that untouched blog link once again. Since the babe pestered me hard to do so. And seriously, I have no comments on the article there. Not even to laugh or curse and swear. The feelings that I�have in me upon reading that particular article is plain numb. NUMBNESS. Amira text-ed me the following night while I was in the bus with regards to the same issue. You girls are getting all excited over such an unimportant issue? Even Huda too gets all excited and laughing all over the sms. Heh. Jahat eh you all. . .?
Overdue pictures from the wedding dinner and the kampung trip had been uploaded last night. I just need time to resize them and to which again, aku malas banget sih. Its been days since I�had proper sleep.
No, no longer thinking about the past. I just have this habit of not sleeping in early though I�am tired and I can stay up the whole night or probably just have a few hours of sleep. However, seems like I have been putting on weight now that the appetite is back eversince the godmother gave me the apos;drinkapos; to stop thinking about the shits that happened. I really owe her that favour for willingly helping me. Only my own mother is not helping me, I wish I can tape up her mouth so she will stop mentioning the name. Irritating la mother. Haa.
So, that night after the dinner, Viji and hubby dropped me off at Jurong East MRT. Many thanks to you Viji love.
I called up doraemon to ask if she was on the way home from work and perhaps I can meet her up to talk. And coincidentally she was in the same train and same cabin with me We thrashed things out to each other and we both ended up crying after holding it back for so long. She is more than a best friend and a best cousin to me. God knows how much I treasure you doraemon and the hard times weapos;ve been through together.
What you told me that night is still fresh in the mind.
apos;Tak semua orang yang ade cinta sejati dalam hati dik....apos;
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