понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

fabulas china

The sheer brilliance of this show absolutely blows my mind.
Iapos;m glad Gretchen is in a very strange way beginning to straighten her path..just as Kellerman did. I know I should hate her, but I feel this strange connection to her in the sense that I want her to right her wrongs and learn from her actions..again, like Kellerman.

If you canapos;t tell, I miss Kellerman.

Anyway, Sucre getting shot really scared the shit out of me.�Glad heapos;s okay. Poor asian kid (sorta). Hah. I really hope no one good dies next episode (with regards to the preview). Basically, if Michael, Lincoln, Sara, Mahone, Bellick, Sucre, or Gretchen die, I will cry my eyes out for a month. Anyone else is expendable. Doesnapos;t mean I donapos;t like them, though.

Gosh, Iapos;m liking Mahone more and more with each episode. Heapos;s become one of my favorites. Heapos;s done a�lot of horrible things, but itapos;s obvious that at the core, heapos;s a really sweet guy. But that one scene where Michael and Mahone are in that warehouse in season two, and Michael ends up locking Mahone in that little cage-thing..well, the conversation they had keeps coming back to me, and itapos;s almost frightening to look at them now. :/

K Iapos;m tired..Leave me sweet comments (;�Night.

armenian radio hour, fabulas china.

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Man...� itapos;s 29F outside.
That, combined with some stomach upset I suffered from this morning really put a damper on my morning walk
But this morning�I went on a super short walk because it was just ... Blah this morning.
As crap as it was, the sky was clear.... Real clear... And full of stars and the ground just sparkled with a thick layer of frost.
And as�Butterfly and I�circled down the block I saw a shooting star... And as we came back down our street I saw another, the 2nd much brighter than the first. I told Butterfly that shooting stars were so pretty and lucky too. She looked at me wondering what I was babbling about. Sure I made wishes, for what woman is not a little girl at heart?
My wishes I shall keep to myself though, for I would not want them to not come true.
Today after work I�am getting my hair done.�My friend Amber�is going to do it an auburn color with fire red highlights and bright blonde highlights. I wanted something really bold and fun since the tattoo convention is less than 2 weeks away and I am competing Yipe
For now I have to get through work. Yuck...�
Happy Monday to everyone - hope you all have great days

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crowded with genius

So I have gotten use to this..raining chocolate here in town. (Itapos;s actually fun to try to catch it with your tongue) I decided to take up babysitting and thankfully for..."sources", I donapos;t have to worry about paying rent for my apartment or other utilities. I only have to worry about food and seeing that it is just me living at the apartment, it shouldnapos;t be a problem.

I havenapos;t decided if I should enroll myself in school or not. However, Iapos;m leaning more towards no because that means he would have to be here. Ick.. Although, so far itapos;s been pretty boring here without anyone to talk to and actually kinda lonely. I guess Iapos;ve gotten to use to Soul being around, itapos;s sorta hard to go back to your old routine.

I guess I should end this entry for now. I should catch back up on that novel I was reading.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

fast investment return

This week has been exciting. The third and final debate may have been McCains most impassioned performance, but he also showed his temper and negativity. Obama was lackluster, but he remained calm, in control, and stable against McCainapos;s storm. Audiences ate this up. Apparently they want a leader who is stable in the face of foes.

As a result of McCainapos;s plummeting popularity, several new states are in play. Fivethirtyeight.com is predicting a whole new range of swing states. ND, AR, IN, WV, NC, MO, NV, OH, and FL are now the battlegrounds. Youapos;ll notice these are traditional GOP states, which is telling. NM, CO, VA, NH, and MN are leaning Obama. GA, MT, LA, NE1, SD, MS, and NE2 are all leaning McCain. "Leaning" means 5-10 points ahead in polls.

So Iapos;ve updated my swing states to watch.

And Iapos;ve decided to switch NC and MO in my predictions. McCain gains 4 electoral votes.

McCain: *GA SC *IN *AZ, South (*NC TX AL *LA MS TN KY OK *AR *WV), Midwest (KS *NE *ND SD), Mountain (UT ID *MT WY AK)
Obama: North East (MA CT ME *NH RI VT), East Coast (NY NJ MD DC DE), *MO *FL *VA *PA *OH MI *CO *NM *NV, Great Lakes (IL WI *MN IA), Pacific (CA OR WA HI)

MCCain: 189
Obama: 349

alissa tweaks, fast investment return.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Derrick went into confinement and left me a box full of 20 dollar bills and told me to use whatever i wanted. Itapos;s soooo tempting to not take more than i ALREADY have and go out tonight.


andrea, have fun on your date with your cousin, lol. (sry, i had to)

went to the lawyer today and he said he would take care of everything for me and would call me when itapos;s all said and done.


advantage advertising radio, celoneusa, celonese, celones.

craig road pet cemetery

Sometimes it frustrates me that I donapos;t have enough time in the day.

For instance, I think weapos;d be healthier if I cooked more things from scratch, but between a 12 hour day (with commute), exercise (3 nights a week from 7-8pm), (still) trying to get the business up and running, and trying to do some creative stuff (crochet, halloween, christmas), I feel like I have to cut corner in the food department.

If I were staying home, I would probably be making jams, bread, granola, baking a whole turkey, slicing it for Ericapos;s sammies, using the rest of the meat in a casserole an using the carcass for a soup. I would probably have a year round garden to cut down on our fresh fruit, veggie, and herb costs. But this sort of stuff takes plain old time. So it comes down to, submit my whole Sunday to food, giving me a 6 day workweek, or doing more work during the weeknights, meaning I sacrifice sleep.

I know people did this... Worked from sundown to sunup and then worked some more... And maybe Iapos;m just spoiled with my leisure time... And I think that Iapos;m probably more productive than a lot of people in the combination of things I do in the time I do it in, I just wish I could squeeze a few more hours in so I could still get 8 hours and be a more wholesome cook.

As it stands we have a frozen pizza once a week for dinner. But I always microwave some frozen veggies Woot

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


Either iapos;m so tired iapos;m dellusional or is the part in panicapos;s mad at rabbits where the guys go "doot doot doot doot" really funny?
I think iapos;m just tired.
one assignment down
one to go
and its not going anywhere.
which is bad. URGH
kill me now
i am determined to get this finished. Iapos;ll finish it hand it in and go home and collapse. I dont care if I lose marks from my tutorial. Tutorials are only worth 10 and� think iapos;ve done good

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